Coaching and Consulting
I offer a number of training plans and coaching services depending on your desired level of involvement and specific wants & needs. Below are the current rates for the plans and services offered. The best way to determine which service may be best for you is to book an initial 15-30 minute consult call where we can discuss you, your goals, and the desired depth of the training program. This will initiate the coach-client relationship and set the trajectory for your program moving forward.
Services offered
30-minute consult call: $20
“Training talks” (phone or Zoom call to ask questions or seek advice about training or other topic)
15-minute call: $10
30-minute call: $20
60-minute call: $50
Custom training plan: $100
Custom training plan + twice-monthly coaching calls + updates to training plan: $100/month (includes price of training plan)
Book a consult call using the calendar below!